Shirdi Sai Baba
SVHM is home to Sai Baba of Shirdi and home to one of the longest running weekly Sai events in the GTA.
Weekly Sai Programs every Thursday Evenings and Saturday Mornings. All Sai Festivals celebrated.
On March 05, 2020 Gold Sai Padukas were installed by a Sai Devotee as per their wish.
Subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming event information.
Holy Yatra of God.
Sai Palkhi every Thursday Evenings

Gajanan Maharaj
First Temple in Canada to install his grace Gajanan Maharaj on June 1995.
Swami Samarth
First Saturday of every month, Dinodoripranit conducts Monthly Mangal Aarathi, for more information visit www.dindoripranit.org
Subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming event information.
